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The Ultimate Guide to Training Management

What is a training management system and why do you need one? Continue reading through the Ultimate Guide to Training Management to gain a better understanding of how training management, and LRS, certification tracking (or the multitude of other names it goes by), can help align your company to its goals of improved accountability, higher compliance and increased productivity. 

Whether you are a training manager, an HR director, or a CEO looking into solutions for your training programs organization - this guide is for you. 


Why is Tracking Training Important?

Much like a to-do list, training management systems provide a detailed path to ensure consistency, create processes, and define repeatable steps for other people to take to see the same results. As you can imagine, tracking training is a great way, especially in work, to measure the success of employees, ensure each staff member is well-versed in the skills and knowledge required to complete his or her job and furthermore, growth is scalable.

When a person begins working out, without a way to hold themselves accountable, eventually the initial motivation which brought them to the gym begins to waver. Where they once went to the gym five times a week, now it has dwindled to once every so often. When they once ate more vegetables, and less snack food, now they can be found sitting on the couch with a bag of chips. This is not an uncommon scenario, but it is exactly why tracking training is necessary, both in personal and professional life. With systems in place to measure progress, provide an outline of next steps, and continue to remind someone of goals - accountability quickly follows. What do we see? More people sticking to their goal of losing weight.

The same is true in businesses. Onboarding a new employee typically requires a set of training from key job knowledge, to the company culture, even what compliance looks like within the industry. From the very first day an employee joins the organization - tracking the steps they have been through ensures that later on down the employee’s lifecycle, problems can be avoided or at least re-visited from a point of common knowledge through training. This process extends well beyond onboarding and into the day-to-day operations of continued professional development. Many industries require an employee to continue learning through professional development units (PDUs), while other industries require re-certifications on certains skills, whatever the case may be - easy access to this information when needed in a highly organized manner is another reason why training management is so important.

"With systems in place to measure progress, provide an outline of next steps, and continue to remind someone of goals - accountability quickly follows."