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New Version of Certification Tracking Released

VAIRKKO would like to announce that it has released a new version of our Certification Tracking system.  Our new version includes all of the same features that have been loved by thousands but also introduces new features such as "Bulk Transactions" which are guaranteed to save your department time and energy.  This new version brings with it a completely re-designed and enhanced user interface that offers a fully mobile optimized experience.  You will find simple to use buttons and intuitive color-coding to easily see certifications in danger of expiration across your entire workforce.Built for mobile phones & tablets, you will find using the new Certification Tracking system is simple to use while on the go.

Just some of the features of the Certification Tracking system include: Company Certificate Templates, Unlimited Employee Certifications, Certification Expiration Alerts via email and text messaging, Warning Letters, Employee Self-Service Interfaces, Management Approval Options and much more.

Contact us today to setup your free product demonstration of the new version and see for yourself why The Toolkit Group has become a leader within the industry.

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