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Make your Life Easier with Online Employee Scheduling

Configuring and managing employee schedules can be a time consuming and complicated task.  As a scheduler you need to ensure appropriate staffing levels, manage overtime costs, handle employee callouts and vacation time all while juggling several other moving parts. Luckily, we have some good news for you. Our Employee Scheduling module has been completely updated and the administrative side is now up and running in our latest system.  If you have not already logged into your VAIRKKO platform to see the changes we highly recommend that you do so.  If you are not currently utilizing the Employee Scheduling Module please give us a shout and we will be happy to show you around.

After viewing the scheduling featured in VAIRKKO one of first things you will notice is how intuitive and easy to use it is.  From the Schedule Management Launchpad you are now able to configure your schedule, make schedule changes, manage employee time off, message crews, and perform a number of other tasks.  The new 2.0 scheduling system simplifies the scheduling process and makes setting up and managing your schedule quicker and easier than ever before.

Whether you are a long time Toolkit user or just interested in learning more about us please give us a call at 888-290-0671 and we will be happy to show you all of the new and exciting 2.0 upgrades.  After seeing the latest Toolkit 2.0 updates we think that you will agree that the VAIRKKO system is continuously finding ways to reduce the time needed to perform the demanding tasks your job requires and improve your operations.

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