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Improve Communication With Your Team Over Night

If you have been in a management or leadership role for more than a week, you have probably heard someone on your staff say something like “How was I supposed to know?” or  “When did that change?”  Sometimes these questions are legitimate, while others may be an excuse used by some staff members to cover up for poor performance.  Either way, it reduces overall employee performance, slows down operations, creates distrust, lowers morale, and causes headaches for everyone.

VAIRRKO includes several easy to use communication tools built in.  For example, our Inbox Messaging feature allows you to post messages to your staff which they will be forced to read and acknowledge. You can then run an audit report to see who has acknowledged the message and when they did so.  Just as importantly, you will be able to see who has not read and/or acknowledged the message.  You can send these messages to your entire staff, particular groups in your staff, or even just one or two employees.  The VAIRKKO platforms also allow you to post Special Site Messages that will be displayed on your employees’ dashboards.  Lastly, each one of our platforms include the ability to post memos, and email and text message staff, all with just a few taps on your screen or a few clicks of the mouse.  These features help improve communication and accountability and increase staff moral.

To find out more about the communication and accountability tools available within the Toolkit System and to explore how those tools can improve your operations please give us a call at 888-290-0671, email sales@toolkitgroup.com, or visit our website at https://www.vairkko.com.

Also be sure to follow us on Twitter (@VAIRKKO) and LIKE us on Facebook (facebook.com/VAIRKKO) and Linkedin.

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