VAIRKKO BLOG | Training and Certification Management Software

4 Unique Ways to Leverage Online Training for Public Safety

Written by VAIRKKO | May 21, 2014

Web-based online training has been around for many years now and typically it has been used to measure or evaluate your staff and their medical skills.  While this is a necessity within the industry, it’s not the only way your EMS or Fire Department can utilize an online training platform.

Let’s count down the 4 unique and different ways you can utilize the online training system within the VAIRKKO platform.

Number Four: Staff Orientation Anyone?

If your department is like many out there then you routinely have to orientate new employees to your organization.  This may be a small task or could involve several days with several key personnel from your department making speeches to a group of new hires that may be barely listening, let alone retaining any of the information provided. By supplementing your current orientation process with an online training program you can standardize your orientation content nearly overnight.  Additionally, by leveraging an online training system to help with your orientation process you will be able to create quizzes and tests to measure and evaluate the knowledge retention of your new hires which aids in accountability and employee responsibility regarding the knowledge provided during orientation.

Number Three: Open Position? Hire from Within!

Does your department have turnover? Maybe more often than you would like to admit.  When hiring from within your department for positions such as supervisors, managers, directors, etc. it’s important to select the correct candidate for the job.  Interviews work great; resume’s help but there is nothing better than an online training test to quiz the candidates on common scenario based questions, HR Related questions or process/procedure based questions. Having the ability to publish online training tests/quizzes to only specific employees ensures privacy, or you can publish the test/quiz to all employees for open applicants which can be used to “pre-qualify” personnel for the position.

Number Two: Congrats you got new equipment! But do your staff know how to use it?

So your fire department just got new equipment and it needs to be rolled out in a structured, planned and fluid process, right?  Before rolling it out to all your vehicles, apparatus or ambulances your staff need to be fully trained on its safe and proper use. Rather than rotating your entire workforce through the training facility or sim-lab simply leverage the power of online training. Think of all the important materials such as PDF’s, user manuals, Videos showing proper use or even custom made power points that you can upload to engage your staff and measure their knowledge and unstinting. Plus with an online training system imagine all the money that can be saved from having to pay overtime to rotate those staff members through the training facility.

Number One: Policies have been updated; does anyone know what’s changed?

How many times have you heard from staff that the policy didn’t make any sense or they just didn’t understand it?  By combining an online statement/policy management system with an online training system your fire department or EMS agency can now measure an employee's understanding of notable or recently changed policies.  Imagine this scenario; your HR/Admin team just finished updating the Social Media Policy; now the statement management system notifies staff of the change and the online training system forces them to take a short 3-5 question test covering the changes in the policy.  With this solution your department now has 100% accountability from acknowledgement of the policy changes to a passing score on an online training test that confirms their understanding and comprehension of the changes within the policy.

The online training system along with the complete learning management system provided by VAIRKKO empowers EMS and Fire Departments while enforcing accountability over EMTs, Paramedics and Fire Fighters.  For more information on any of our systems contact us at any time.