VAIRKKO BLOG | Training and Certification Management Software

3 Benefits of Adopting Performance Management Software

Written by VAIRKKO | April 23, 2019

Software solutions are popping up everywhere, for almost every process imaginable. While sometimes software can get a bad rep, that it might replace a workers job, there’s a different way to look at it: it helps every worker accomplish more. Most software solutions are designed to aid a worker, not replace them. In the case of Human Resources software, these solutions are designed to handle tasks that are necessary while creating time for the human resources professional and managers to complete tasks that need human interaction and decision-making capabilities.

Software is a wonderful add-on for your human resources team, especially performance management software. Performance management software usually contains features related to tracking performance over time, conducting reviews from annual reviews, down to one-n-one meetings that are weekly. Performance Management platforms oftentimes have functionality that relates to creating and assigning careers goals, as well as aligning performance with overarching business objectives. This type of software helps managers provide consistent, relevant, and timely feedback which is one thing employees are looking for from their managers.

These are just some of the functions that a performance management system can provide. Let’s look at some of the benefits associated with adopting a performance management platform for your organization:


Aside from the tool actually performing the way you would like it to and measuring performance for your organization on a per-employee basis, these systems are really helpful for their integration. When switching a lot of your operations over to software that is designed for these purposes, they oftentimes can communicate with other software via APIs, custom integrations, or other business relationships that have already been established. In the case of performance management, it is nice to have software that can directly communicate with, say, your online training environment.

If the career goals for your team include something like “take these 6 online courses”, these goals can be checked off the list in a performance management platform as they are completed. Purchasing software that can communicate with other software can help to integrate processes and keep everyone on-track and up-to-date.


Another benefit of adopting software for your performance management process is automation. While this is a big benefit for just about any software you adopt - the automation that is available in performance management software allows for a smooth process from start to finish. Not only does it ensure that each component of a review or check-in is completed on time, but it also can be automated through integrations like mentioned in the last benefit. This allows managers to focus on managing in a healthy and instructive way, on the projects that matter the most, and less on micro-managing for performance reviews. While performance appraisals deserve a lot of intentionality and thought, they should not take away from the day-to-day job getting done and instead should serve as an indicator to an employee of progress.


Accountability is another benefit of adopting a performance management platform. This accountability applies to so many different scenarios. Help employees be more accountable to expectations on the job and their performance, but also help managers be accountable to providing feedback as necessary. Adopting software that allows employees to find what they are being measured against, review past performance appraisals, and complete self-appraisals keeps employees accountable because it eliminates all excuses that claim ignorance.

Adopting a performance management platform could be the next best step for your human resources team and organization. There are many other benefits than the ones listed above, but these are some of the less obvious benefits. No matter which features and functions your software has, these benefits are still able to be realized just by the nature of any performance management software. Investing in these types of solutions can change the way your organization approaches performance appraisals and help in increase retention, accountability, and job satisfaction.