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Training Management: The Key to a High Performance Team

Whether you are an EMS agency or healthcare facility trying to improve patient care and patient outcomes, a police or fire department trying to improve the service to your communities, or a business who is trying to improve employee performance and customer care, our industry leading software can help.  One of the best ways to ensure a successful and high performance team is to ensure that each member is properly trained and that they have the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to perform their job duties and to serve your customers well.

Our industry leading training management software offers a robust learning management system. The platform can include e-Learning, Instructor-Led Training, Skills Testing, Quality Assurance and Certification Tracking features.  These training options allow you to easily and quickly design, schedule, and hold training across your entire operation in whatever delivery method, or methods you prefer.

Whether you want to train your workforce using an online format or in a more traditional classroom setting, the VAIRKKO solution can help. Each module allows your organization to test staff members with written exams or by having them perform hands on skills assessments.  This allows you to measure, trend and benchmark the success of your training programs and make adjustments to improve the quality of your training over time.  Our Certification Tracking feature sends vital email and text message alerts when retraining is needed and with a few clicks of the mouse, see who is in non-compliance regarding required training.

No matter what your training needs are VAIRKKO has a solution to help.  This is vital to your organization's success because we all know that having a highly trained staff is key to our ability to serve our customers well.  To find out more, please call us at 888-290-0671 or email info@vairkko.com.

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