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Safety Certifications: Protecting People & Your Bottom Line

Over the past few days we have seen examples in the news of industrial and construction related safety accidents.  We all know that employee accidents and injuries can hurt your people, your reputation, and your bottom line.   It is likely that you have spent more than one restless night worrying about your teams’ safety. 

One of the best ways to protect your team and your business is to develop a culture of safety.  The VAIRKKO Certification Platform can help you train and test your staff on safety related topics, continuously communicate the importance of safety to your employees, track the number of days since your last workplace accident, and track your employees safety related credentials and certificates.

Let's say that OSHA or another compliance body showed up at your office door tomorrow and asked to see copies of your employees safety related certifications.  How quickly could you provide that information? Would it take you a couple of hours, all day, or maybe even longer to gather and organize the data?  With the VAIRKKO Certification Platform you will be able to access that data with just a few clicks and since the VAIRKKO Platform is fully mobile friendly you can even access the data right on the job site from your tablet, smart phone, or other mobile device.

Ensuring that each one of your team members has the required certifications and credentials no longer has to be a time consuming and difficult task.  The VAIRKKO Platform will allow to track an unlimited number and type of certifications and credentials and will even send out alerts when expiration dates approach. To see how the VAIRKKO Platform can simplify this process for you please give us a call at 1-888-290-0671 or email us at info@vairkko.com.

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