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Convince Your Boss to Invest in a Learning Management System

So, you, possibly a training manager, believe that your company could benefit from adopting a Learning Management System (LMS), but your boss isn’t exactly on board? Convincing senior level executives can be a challenging task, especially where software is concerned. There are learning curves, expenditures, training, and more and proving how it impacts the bottom line can be challenging and oftentimes, that is exactly what your boss is the most concerned about. If your company has some sort of training program in place, isn’t that enough? What does your organization stand to gain from adopting a Learning Management System?

Presenting a business case for a learning management system does not have to be challenging. If you’re equipped with the right knowledge going in, there are plenty of logical reasons to choose an LMS, that even the most money-conscious executives can get behind. Putting together a presentation or a few talking points in a meeting will help streamline your focus and ensure you are communicating exactly what is necessary to win over your boss and begin shopping for an LMS that is right for you.


Employees working through their learning management system

What are your pain points and how can an LMS address those?

While having a formal training program in place at your organization is a step in the right direction, perhaps it is not scalable. As an example, trainings that take place in person will have to be replicated for new hires and as is the nature of “live” demonstrations and teachings, content is subject to change at the whims of questions and group size. Bringing in an LMS can ensure that new hires are trained the same as people that have been at the company for years, providing consistency and accountability in on-the-job knowledge that should be mastered. If there is a disconnect in your organization between what employees who have been there for years know, and what new hires know - it’s probably time to look into the training program and how to use a system that teaches all employees equally.

Any budget constraints?

Heading into a meeting with budget constraints addressed is much easier than pitching an LMS without taking into consideration what your boss is going to be concerned about. If you have already done the research on what an LMS will cost your organization, the pricing models to be aware of, and what you consider a reasonable amount to spend - this could ease your boss’ mind, because not only are you thinking about the whole picture, but you’re taking the discussion off the table where they would have to make a decision with limited information available.

Why do you think an LMS is necessary?

Have you recently become burdened in your position by an influx of paperwork that accompanies training? Is there time that could be invested elsewhere as long as continual in-person trainings are alleviated? Is grading tests becoming cumbersome? Whatever the reality of your situation is, an emotional plea to your boss could also help sway their opinion. For almost every pain point you are feeling in your position there is a software solution that could meet your needs. The important part is deciphering what you feel would alleviate the most stress from your position, and maximize the benefits for the employees that you are looking to train.

Keep in mind, that while there is a software solution available for almost any pain-point that needs to be addressed, it is important to have a level-head when looking at these solutions. Is it absolutely necessary to use a solution that costs money? There are lots of good options out there that are free, although, functionality may be a little bit more limited. At the onset of looking for solutions, keep the learners needs at the forefront and let everything else fall where it may.

Determine the Necessary Features

What features will help alleviate the pain points that you have uncovered that need to be addressed? Ultimately the goal when looking through features is to identify what feature or function will help to address your most pressing pain-point. Dividing up functions and features into “must-haves” and “nice-to-haves” will help to point your search for the right learning management in the direction that is best for your organization.

Is there any research that helps make your case stronger?

The market research available for learning management systems is very positive, with over 96% of users saying their LMS positively affects training content organization and their ability to track learner progress.

What are the statistics about web-based systems and what are the benefits? How do other organizations organize their learning to achieve the maximum benefits? And are these organizations like yours? Compiling information that helps to boost your points is helpful for data-driven executives and can help to highlight the best things about an LMS that you might not have even considered. Continue to show that you’ve done your research and are invested in the outcome of this search.

Any research you can do upfront, not ot mention. Predicting what your boss is going to say to each of your relevant points will only help bolster your own position. Being concise, to the point, and discussing the most relevant issues to your boss (oftentime, ROI), will help to show how serious you are in your company’s need to adopt a learning management platform and will make it all the more likely that your boss will also agree.

And lastly, Good Luck!

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